Found on St. Patrick's Day - March 17, 2020

"California Sam"

"They Loved Ham Biscuits"


"Sleepy Head"

"What We Pass Down"

"Sit for a Spell"

Meeting at the Clothes Line

"Where Everybody Knows Your Name..."

"Then and Now"

"Cloaked in Mystery"
Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi

"The Pitch"


"At Rest"

"Harvesting the Grapes"
Naples, Italy

"Comfortable Faith"

"Roasting Marshmallows for the First Time"

"Hayride with Grandma"

Natural Beauty

"Stop and Smell the Roses..."

"It's Okay to Be Different"

Chance Encounter, Dubai

"Preschool Hands"

"Soft Feet"

Oh, Daddy...!

"On the Count of 3..."

What Will the Future Hold?

"Embrace at War's End"


"Taxi Driver"


Evening Stroll

"Waist Deep"


"End of Construction - Thank you for your patience"
Epitaph on Gravestone of Mrs. Ruth Graham, Wife of the Rev. Billy Graham
Charlotte, North Carolina

"Simple Epitaph"
Rev. Billy Graham's Tombstone
Charlotte, North Carolina


"Invisible Workers"

Little People

Desert Taxi

Seated Politely Apart, Florence, Italy

On the Same Page



Quitting Time, Muscat, Oman


Hero, Pearl Harbor

Watermelon Seed, Age 3

Three Men in a Tub

On the Straight & Narrow

Raiding the Pantry

Where We Are From